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Building Morocco’s Resilience : Inputs for an Integrated Risk Management Strategy

Collectivite Auteur : World Bank. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Rapport
Thème : Catastrophes
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Section I : A New Approach for Governments’ Risk Management
1. A Changing Context
1.1 Risk Management is Becoming More Strategic
1.2 From Managing Risks in “Silos” to Integrated Risk Management
1.3 The Risk Management Process
Section II : Integrated Risk Management in Morocco
2. Introduction : Three Pillars of Morocco’s Risk Assessment
2.1 Natural Disasters
2.1. a Morocco’s disaster risk profile
2.1. b Disaster risk institutional and legal framework
2.1. c Options for reducing Morocco’s risk due to natural disasters
2.2 Commodity (Energy) Price Volatility Risk
2.3 Risks in the Agriculture Sector
2.3. a Morocco’s agriculture risk profile
2.3. b Institutional and legal framework in the agriculture sector
2.3. c Options to mitigate risks in the agriculture sector
2.4 Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance
Section III : Moving from Risk Assessment to Integrated Risk Management in Morocco
3. Morocco : The Road Ahead

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