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Transforming Cities with Transit : Transit and Land-Use Integration for Sustainable Urban Development

Auteur : Suzuki Hiroaki, Cervero Robert, Iuchi Kanako
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Rapport
Thème : Transport

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Introduction : Critical Challenges Facing Cities and Urban Transport
Expanding Cities, Shrinking Green Space
Cities for Cars, Not for People
Integrating Transit and Land Use toward Sustainable Urban Development
Study Objectives, Framework, and Methodology
Structure of This Book
2. Lessons from Sustainable Transit-Oriented Cities
Transit and Land-Use Integration in Adaptive Cities
Integrating Transit and Land-Use Planning through Adaptive Transit and Bus Rapid Transit
3. Integrating Transit and Urban Development in Cities in the Developing World
Ahmedabad : A City at a Critical Juncture
Bogota : Beyond TransMilenio
Guangzhou : Adaptive Bus Rapid Transit
Ho Chi Minh City: Building a Green Transit Corridor
4. Toward Sustainable Urban Futures
Barriers to Integrating Transit and Urban Development
The Challenge of Inclusive Transit-Oriented Development
Toward Successful Integration: Recommendations

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