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Review of Maritime Transport Safety and Security Practices and Compliance levels: case studies in Europe and South East Asia

Auteur : Gagatsi Eliza
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Article
Thème : Transport

Résumé/Sommaire :

The security in transport has become a crucial issue internationally, especially after the terrorist attacks of September 2001 and even more recently. Maritime, along with aviation, is considered a sensitive and of high-risk transport sector, in terms of security. Moreover, topics related to safety in maritime transport have become very important over the past decades mostly because of the numerous maritime accidents putting in danger both human lives and the environment.

Taking into account the global dimension of maritime transport along with the fact that the participation of Asia in the world trade during the past decade has been substantial, this paper examines the current maritime safety and security practices in the two areas. Although Europe and Asia comprise two completely different worlds, the need for enhanced safety and security in maritime transport is common in both areas.

This can only be achieved through the application of high standards and regulations setting the prerequisites for safe and secure navigation. In this direction, a significant number of Directives, Regulations and Initiatives on maritime safety and security have been introduced by international and European organizations, such as the International Maritime Organization, (I.M.O.), the International Labour Organization (I.L.O.) and the European Union (EU).

In the framework of this analysis, the levels of compliance of European and Asian countries, regarding the international legislation, is examined while special emphasis is given on the problems and difficulties encountered during the implementation processes. Furthermore, a number of recommendations aiming to enhance the existing levels of safety and security in maritime transport in both examined area is provided.

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