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Measurement demystified : Determining the Value of Corporate Community Involvement

Auteur : Rochlin Steven Coutsoukis Platon Carbone Leslie
Année de Publication : 2001
Type : Etude
Thème : Gouvernance
Couverture : Etats-Unis d'Amérique

Résumé/Sommaire :

the renamed Center for Corporate Citizenship at Boston College again joined up with the APQC to pick up where the previous study left off. Our goal: to demystify the measurement process. Measurement Demystified : Determining the Value of Corporate Community Involvement does that by incorporating the findings of our benchmarking study, lessons from best-practice organizations, and the insights and frameworks from leading thinkers. It is a common-sense, five-step approach to measuring the value of community involvement. This report is divided into the following steps: • Setting strategic goals • Designing framing questions and measures that provide answers • Keeping records • Measuring value using a system that works • Revising and updating strategic goals

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