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External Monitoring of the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Project

Collectivite Auteur : International Finance Corporation
Année de Publication : 2006
Type : Article
Thème : Industrie
Couverture : Cameroun

Résumé/Sommaire :

Driven by heightened public concern, and the scrutiny of civil society organizations, the market is increasingly demanding that companies adopt responsible and accountable environmental and social practices. To assist in managing these risks, lenders and project sponsors pursuing complex projects in emerging markets may benefit from the use of an.

The role of the external monitor is to provide an independent, impartial, and transparent record of the sponsor’s compliance with the project’s environmental and social commitments. A number of challenging project investment conditions may signal the need to consider use of an external monitor, including, but not limited to, projects involving : multiple public and private sector partners highly visible sectors such as natural resource extraction significant population resettlement indigenous peoples biodiversity and sensitive habitats complex project benefit sharing, revenue management, and governance systems weak national regulatory regimes.

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