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Collectivite Auteur : IRENA
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Livre
Thème : Energie

Résumé/Sommaire :

This publication is the first of a series of briefs that aim to guide policy makers in the design and implementation of policy to support green hydrogen as one of the feasible methods of decarbonising the energy sector.
This guide is composed of three chapters. The first focuses on the status and drivers of green hydrogen and the barriers it faces. The second chapter explores the pillars of national policy making to support hydrogen, and the third presents the main policy recommendations in different segments of the green hydrogen value chain.
The forthcoming brief is due to be published and will address the supply side, covering electrolysis and infrastructure. The following briefs will first explore specific policies for different uses of green hydrogen in the hard-to-abate sectors, including industrial applications and long-haul transport (aviation, maritime shipping). Selected policy recommendations for these uses are presented here in the third chapter. Future briefs will explore niche applications for hydrogen, such as power generation and heating, and land transport.
Each of the policy briefs will present relevant case studies to highlight previous experiences and provide potential starting points for governments, exploring policies to support greater use of green hydrogen. They will also offer policy recommendations, which can be adapted and tailored for specific countries depending on their context and priorities beyond the energy system, such as economic development objectives.
Some of the necessary policy tools already exist in energy sector and only need to be expanded in scope. However, in other cases dedicated attention might be needed.

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