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Future of Solar Photovoltaic : Deployment, investment, technology, grid integration and socio-economic aspects (A Global Energy Transformation : paper)

Collectivite Auteur : International Renewable Energy Agency
Année de Publication : 2019
Type : Rapport
Thème : Energie

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Energy transformation pathways and solar PV
1.1 Pathways for the Global Energy Transformation
1.2 The Energy Transformation Rationale
1.3 Global Energy Transformation: The role of solar PV
2. The evolution and future of solar PV markets
2.1 Evolution of the solar PV industry
2.2 Solar PV outlook to 2050
3. Technological solutions and innovations to integrate rising shares of solar PV power generation
4. Supply-side and market expansion
4.1 Technology expansion
5. Future solar PV trends
5.1 Materials and module manufacturing
5.2 Applications : Beyond fields and rooftops
5.3 Operation and maintenance
5.4 End-of life management of solar PV
6. Socio-economic and other benefits of solar PV in the context of the energy transformation
6.1 Solar PV sector employment and local value chains
6.2 Clustering with other low-carbon technologies : hybrid system
7. Structuring PV business models according to how they compete with other generation sources
8. Accelerating solar PV deployment : barriers and solutions
8.1 Deployment policies
8.2 Integrating policies
8.3 Enabling policies

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