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The state of energy in Morocco : Report

Auteur : Bennouna Amin
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Energie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Demand and emissions of energy in Morocco
1.1. The energy flow diagram of Morocco in 2021
1.2. Satisfaction of the energy demand in Morocco till 2030
1.3. Greenhouse gases emissions from energy in Morocco till 2030
2. Demand and emissions of electricity in Morocco
2.1. The electricity flow diagram of Morocco in 2021
2.2. Satisfaction of the electricity demand in Morocco until 2030
2.3. Greenhouse gases emissions from electricity
3. Energy production and dependence in Morocco
3.1. Local energy production in Morocco
3.2. Energy dependence of Morocco
3.3. Energy cross-borders infrastructures and flows
4. Renewable energy adoption, storage and transportation
4.1. The 2008 National Energy Strategy (SEN)
4.2. Electricity storage plants and projects
4.3. Off-balance-sheet renewable energies
4.4. Evolution of the legal and regulatory framework in favor of renewable

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