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Study on the opportunities of "Power-to-X" in Morocco : 10 hypotheses for discussion

Auteur : Eichhammer Wolfgang, Oberle Stella, Händel Michael ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2019
Type : Etude
Thème : Energie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Context and objectives of the study
2. RES power generation in Morocco
2.1 The present electricity mix of Morocco
2.2 Electricity mix of Morocco in 2020 and 2030
2.3 Electricity mix of Morocco in the 2050 perspective
3. Definition of PtX
4. Ten hypotheses for PtX in Morocco
4.1 Main drivers for the demand for PtX
4.1.1 Hypothesis 1: the demand for PtX will be driven by the requirements on developed countries to reach a reduction of 95% in view of contributing to the 1.5°C target of the Paris agreement
4.1.2 Hypothesis 2 : if the requirement would only be 80% reduction in GHG (which is possibly compatible with a 2°C scenario) there would be very limited need in developed countries for PtX
4.1.3 Hypothesis 3 : developing countries have lower GHG reduction requirements by 2050, hence less pressure to introduce PtX for own purposes
4.1.4 Hypothesis 4 : there is no need for PtX from the pure requirement of a 100% RES share in the power sector. This concerns both Morocco and for example, European countries, as long as the power systems are optimised (grid expansions, market arrangements ...)
4.2 Morocco’s potential share of world-wide demand for PtX
4.2.1 Hypothesis 5 : Morocco can capture a non-negligible share in the world-wide demand for PtX
4.2.2 Hypothesis 6 : power exports to Europe is not a strong competitor for PtX exports
4.2.3 Hypothesis 7 : renewable-based PtX products may under favourable conditions become economic compared to fossil competitors beyond 2030
4.3 Production of synthetic ammonia as a promising economic opportunity for Morocco
4.3.1 Hypothesis 8 : the production of synthetic ammonia offers - under favourable
conditions - economic opportunities to Morocco as a producer of green ammonia for own purposes and for export
4.4 Guiding principles for the development of PtX in Morocco
4.4.1 Hypothesis 9 : RES development should be accompanied by a hierarchy principle minimising necessary expansion, even with further falling cost, to minimise broader environmental impacts
4.4.2 Hypothesis 10 : sustainability criteria play an important role for PtX in Morocco
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Main conclusions for Morocco from the discussion of the ten hypotheses
5.1.1 Conclusions for Morocco from the hypotheses on the world-wide demand for PtX
5.1.2 Conclusions on Morocco’s ability to capture a substantial share of world-wide demand for PtX
5.1.3 Conclusions on the production of synthetic ammonia as a promising economic opportunity for Morocco
5.1.4 Guiding principles for the development of PtX in Morocco
5.2 PtX - industrial opportunities for Morocco
5.3 Recommendations for short- and medium term R&D on the issue of PtX

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