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Renewable Energy Market Analysis : Africa and Its Regions

Collectivite Auteur : IRENA, AFDB
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Energie

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Background and socio-economic overview
1.1 The Economic Context
1.2 Trade, Commodity Dependence And Industrial Diversification
1.3 Differences Between Energy Importers And Exporters
1.4 Human Development And The Sustainable Development Goals
1.5 Conclusion
2. Africa’S energy landscape
2.1 Energy in Africa –a crossregional overview
2.2 North Africa
2.3 West africa
2.4 East Africa
2.5 Central Africa
2.6 Southern Africa
2.7 Conclusion
3. Renewable energy finance In Africa
3.1 Trends in renewable energy investment In Africa
3.2 Sources of funding for renewables In Africa
3.3 Managing risks and mobilising capital
3.4 Conclusion
4. Policy framework for the energy transition
4.1 Enabling policies
4.2 Deployment policies
4.3 Integrating policies
4.4 Structural policies for a just and inclusive transition
4.5 Conclusions and recommendations
5. Socio_economic impacts of the energy transition in Africa
5.1 Impacts on GDP under 1.5-S
5.2 Impacts on jobs under 1.5-S
5.3 Welfare effects
6. Tackling the energy access deficit in Africa
6.1 The Energy access deficit : a closer look
6.2 Raising access to electricity using distributed renewables
6.3 Clean cooking with renewable energy solutions
6.4 Priority action areas to reach universal access to modern forms of energy
7. The way forward
7.1 The opportunities inherent in the energy transition
7.2 The power of comprehensive policy
7.3 Scaling up finance
7.4 Bridging the gap in access to modern energy
7.5 The promise of an african green deal

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