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Collectivite Auteur : International Renewable Energy Agency
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Livre
Thème : Energie

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Renewable mini-grids : techonology overview, market status and costs
1.1 Overview and state of the art on renewable mini-grids
1.2 Deployment, market status and costs
1.3 Quality infrastructure to support market development
2. Quality infrastructure and current uses for mini-grids
2.1 Introduction to quality infrastructure
2.2 Standards
2.3 Mini-grid testing
2.4 Licensing
2.5 Accreditation and certification processes
2.6 Inspection and monitoring
2.7 Metrology
3. Impact of quality infrastructure in renewable mini-grids : case studies, costs and benefits
3.1 India : Mlinda modular and scalable mini-grids
3.2 China : Smart Integrated Energy Microgrid in NCSC of Tianjin
3.3 Nigeria : A smart metering solution for mini-grid development
3.4 United States : Wind mini-grid testing
3.5 United Republic of Tanzania : International standardisation and component interoperability in Mpale village mini-grid
3.6 Mali : Konseguela village mini-grid monitoring system
3.7 Ethiopia : Portable solar mini-grid
4. Quality infrastructure for renewable mini-grids of the future : GAP analysis, emerging trends and market challenges
4.1 Smart mini-grids and QI gaps analysis
4.2 Emerging trends: Low-voltage direct current mini-grids
5. Policy frameworks for quality infrastructure
5.1 The role of policy frameworks and influence of QI
5.2 How to integrate QI into policy frameworks

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