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Optimisation technico-économique et fabrication d’un chauffe-eau solaire Marocain

Auteur : Gargab Fatima Zohra
Date de publication : 03/06/2021
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Energie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Acknowledgment
2. Nomenclature
3. General introduction
Part I : Solar water heater in Morocco: new promoter Project SOL’R SHEMSY; technical and strategical studies, statement and evaluations of national context
Chapter I : 11 years of the national energy strategy; a development towards new technological adventures and promoter projects example SOL’R SHEMSY
1. International energy statement (global energy context)
2. Morocco energy context evaluation and statement
3. The solar thermal in Morocco
4. The SOL'R SHEMSY project; a promoter project for solar thermal in Morocco
Chapter II : Energetic, economic and environmental analysis of thermosiphon solar water heaters in Morocco
1. Technological context
2. Methodology
3. Simulation process
4. Model validation
5. Results and discussion
Chapter III : Energy Efficiency of social Buildings Comparative study between active and passive systems Via TRNsys
1. Passive solutions
2. Active solutions
3. Economic study
Part II : The solution: solar water heater SOL’R SHEMSY/ development SHEMSY Network (experimental platform, controllers and management system)
Chapter IV : Solar water heaters Technologies, standards and manufacturing materials
1. History vs. current solar thermal technology
2. Domestic solar water heaters technologies and types
3. The main components of a solar water heater
4. European standardization
5. The materials
Chapter V : SHEMSY domestic solar water heater: the best solution for Moroccan social and economic context
1. SHEMSY’ prototyping procedure
2. SHEMSY’ products: general description
4. SHEMSY’ SWH performances.
5. Development of an experimental plat form for research studies
Chapter VI : Development of a Control system
1. Controllers: generality
2. Solar hot water control system
3. Optimized management of the backup and regulating system of a solar water heater TRNsys modeling
4. SHEMSY’S controllers
Part III : Manufacturing process, Business plan and quality management system design
Chapter VII : Technical study: SHEMSY products Manufacturing process
1. Process
2. Production means Characteristics
3. Location of the means of production
4. The layout of the production unit
5. Economic evaluation of the manufacturing process
Chapter VIII : SHEMSY project detailed financial study : BUSINESS PLAN
1. Moroccan target clientele study and Rivalry
2. Marketing strategy
3. Financial study
4. The company judicial framework
Chapter IX : implementation of a quality management system : SHEMSY SWH
1. General presentation of the quality management system
2. Quality Management System Design ISO 9001-V2015
3. Leadership
4. Planning
5. Support
6. Carrying out Operational Activities
7. Performance Evaluation
8. Improvement
9. ISO 9001 Sol'R-Shemsy product certification
7.General conclusion and perspectives

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