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The contribution of clean energy to stability, cooperation and shared prosperity in the Mediterranean region

Auteur : Scarpino Stefania
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Energie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Blessed with high levels of solar irradiation throughout the year, as well as wind power in desertic areas, southern Mediterranean countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria hold massive renewable energy potential which is considered to be among the highest in the world. Such conditions would seem to provide an unprecedent rationale for promoting greater renewables’ penetration as a driving force for transformative socio-economic development in the region. Additionally, given its strategic geographical position, North Africa is a place of election for future clean electricity/green hydrogen interchange with the larger European market, which is currently on a race to zero carbon footprint by 2050. However, such conditions per se would not allow the success of a hypothetical “Euro-Mediterranean” Green Deal and several challenges keep standing on the way to a virtuous change of pace in North African economic models and reinvigorated between-shores energy cooperation. This work seeks to formulate broad recommendations on the crucial steps to be taken to unlock the full potential of clean energy to contribute to shared prosperity and stability across the Mediterranean basin.

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