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Green Growth in Action : Achieving Green Energy Transformation : GGGI Technical report No. 11

Auteur : Senshaw Dereje, Askin Muharrem, Chimednamjil Bolormaa
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Rapport
Thème : Energie

Résumé/Sommaire :

01. Achieving Green EnergyTransformation
02. The Energy Challenges
03. Effective Strategies and Approaches for Green Energy Development
04. Expanding Access to Affordable and Sustainable Energy Services
4.1 Mainstreaming Rural Electrification
4.2 Complementing Grid Extension: The Role of Mini-Grids and Standalone Systems
05. Expanding Sustainable and Renewable Generation
5.1 Challenges and Barriers
5.2 Drivers behind Expanded Renewable Energy Share : Targets and Incentives
5.3 Expanding Renewables in Africa
5.4 Expanding Renewables in Asia
5.5 Expanding Renewables in SIDS
06. Enhancing and Integrating Energy Efficiency
6.1 Challenges and Barriers
6.2 Promoting Energy Efficiency in Africa
6.3 Promoting Energy Efficiency in Asia
6.4 Promoting Energy Efficiency in SmallIsland Developing States

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