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SWITCH-Med SCP Policy Toolkit : Mainstreaming Sustainable Consumption and Production into Key Economic Sectors in the Mediterranean

Collectivite Auteur : Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production
Type : Livre
Thème : Economie de l’environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1 : Understanding sustainable consumption and production
1.1. Why should palicy makers integrate an sep approach when designing national and sectoral palides?
1.2. Is SCP linked to other global environmentat challenges?
1.3. What are the key aspects of sep?
Chapter 2 : Policy framework for SCP
2.1. How can SCP programmes be developed?
2.2. How can SCP be mainstreamed in key policies and plans?
2.3. How can be measured and communlcated ?
2.4. What types of policies and instruments can promote SCP ?
2.5. What life cycle stages are covered by SCP policies and instruments?
Chapter 3 : Mainstreaming SCP into key economic sectors for the mediterranean region
3.1. How can SCP be mainstreamed in the food and agriculture sector?
3.2. How can SCP be mainstreamed in the goods manufacturing and consumption sector?
3.3. How ean SCP be mainstreamed in the tourism sector?
3.4. How can SCP be mainstreamed in the housing and construction sector?
3.5. Building coordination mechanisims to ensure the success of SCP policies and instruments

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