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Toward Green Growth in Mediterranean Countries : Implementing Policies to Enhance The Productivity of Natural Assets : 2012 MED Report

Collectivite Auteur : Center for Mediterranean Integration
Année de Publication : 2012
Type : Rapport
Thème : Economie de l’environnement
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Introduction : The Case for a Green Growth Agenda in Mediterranean Countries
What is green growth about?
Economic performance in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries
The Mediterranean as a hotspot of environmental degradation Mainstreaming the environment in economic policies
Chapter 1. : Short-Term Opportunities for Co-Benefits
Enhancing energy efficiency
Enhancing public health by reducing air and water pollution Upgrading solid waste management and resource efficiency
Chapter 2. : Maximizing the Productivity of Natural Assets
While Dealing with Trade-Offs
Optimizing water supply and quality
Managing coastal areas to maximize ecosystem services and sustainable tourism
Moving toward sustainable urbanization
Cooperating to make fisheries sustainable
Chapter 3. : Environmental Action and Job Creation
A tense demographic context and a low rate of job creation
Sectoral mechanisms of green impact on economic activity and jobs
Jobs and greening : Neither myth nor automatic dividend
Chapter 4. : Doing Green : Assessing Environmental Progress
and Identifying Strengths and Priorities in Environmental Action
Action-oriented environmental indicators for Mediterranean countries
Using multi-criteria analysis to identify strengths and priorities
Assessing sub-national environmental performance
Green national accounting for the Mediterranean countries
Chapter 5. : Tools for Environmental Action
and the Implementation of a Green Growth Agenda
Promoting social equity and economic growth through environmental fiscal reforms
Promoting tradable rights and payments for ecosystem services
Corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment in Mediterranean countries
Changing consumer and producer behaviour: Promoting ecolabels and certification
Chapter 6. : Conclusions and Call for Action
Green growth is pure economics—and can generate benefits
Green growth for the Mediterranean is feasible
A blend of market and nonmarket instruments will be needed to maximize the potential for co-benefits
Green actions and expected outcomes : A typology for decision making
Avoiding irreversibility and overcoming stalemates
Maximizing synergies and dealing with trade-offs
Recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders
Call for action

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