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Adaptation, development and sustainability nexus : How to attain inclusive growth and a secure future?

Auteur : Gupta Himangana
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Article
Thème : Economie de l’environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

Climate change, adaptation and sustainable development are inextricably linked.These issues haunt the developing world Parties to the multilateral environmental agreements, who are trying hard to implement policies and plans within their national jurisdictions. These policies are required to be linked with overall economic growth and development objectives.
With limited technical workforce and financial capacity, the developing world is facing a grave challenge of attaining inclusive growth and sustainable development, besides developing resilience to climate change. A parallel stream of activities for these three objectives is not the solution for poor countries. Some countries are already on the path of establishing linkages among climate change, development and sustainability activities. However, while grappling with these issues, most are still stuck at different levels of governance. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have timelines until 2030. At least 60% of the NDCs, mostly those of the developing countries, contain an adaptation component which is closely linked to sustainable development. Convergence of NDC and SDG goals at the national level will assist in financing NDCs through SDG funds for achieving both mitigation and adaptation goals. The paper discusses barriers to good governance around these issues and opportunities available to link them at the national level.
This includes improvement of knowledge base, and mainstreaming finance for both, adaptation and sustainable development, besides serving national needs. The trick is to include adaptation and sustainability into the developmental planning.

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