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Understanding and Increasing Finance for Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries

Auteur : Micale Valerio, Tonkonogy Bella, Mazza Federico
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Economie de l’environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Introduction
2. Trends in adaptation finance
2.1 Policies that drive adaptation investment
2.2 Current trends in adaptation finance
2.3 Gaps in current investment
3. Barriers to increased investment in climate adaptation
3.1 Investors and their limitations in investing in adaptation
3.2 Context barriers
3.3 Specific business model barriers
3.4 Internal capacity barriers
3.5 Case study examples
4. Improving tracking of climate risks and adaptation finance
4.1 Progress in the disclosure of climate risks
4.2 Progress in defining adaptation finance
4.3 Addressing gaps in data availability and quality
5. Approaches to drive investment in climate adaptation
5.1 The role of the public sector in increasing adaptation investment
5.2 Increasing demand for climate adaptation services and products
5.3 Sustaining suppliers of Climate Risk services and products
5.4 Increasing innovation in Climate Risk services and products
6. Key takeaways for developing countries
6.1 Aligning the policy environment for climate change adaptation investment
6.2 Measuring and disclosing climate risks
6.3 Increasing tracking of investment in adaptation
6.4 Actions the public sector can take to increase investment in climate adaptation
7. Conclusion

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