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Involvement of the Private Sector with emphasis on Banks for the promotion of non-conventional water resources (NCWR) : Synthesis note in support of SWIM-H2020 SM Peer-to-Peer exchange (P2P-4) on "Green economy approaches; green banking...

Auteur : Scoullos Michael
Collectivite Auteur : LDK Consultants Engineers & Planners SA
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Etude
Thème : Economie de l’environnement
Couverture : Liban

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Preamble
2. Background
3. The challenges
4. Addressing the challenges for involvement of the private sector
5. The way forward for P2P-4
Annex I – Technologies to be used in eligible projects
A - Indicative examples of equipment that potentially could fulfil the criteria for rainwater harvesting projects
B - Indicative list of grey water equipment in Lebanon
Annex II – Excel for evaluating macro-projects
Annex III – List of proposed social criteria
Annex IV – Guidelines on procurement of public-private partnerships in the water/wastewater sector
Annex V – concept note of the workshop on the procurement of public-private partnerships in the water/wastewater sector

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