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Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Climate finance readiness index initiative - context, purpose and objectives
Climate change : concepts, impacts and specificities in the MENAT region
Climate action : concepts and solutions for the menat region
Climate finance : definitions and principles
The climate finance readiness index initiative
conclusions and takeaways
2. Climate finance readiness index initiative - scope and methodology
Climate finance readiness index : the geographic scope and coverage
Climate finance readiness index : the scoring criteria
Climate finance readiness index : the scoring methodology
Climate finance readiness index : the clustering criteria
Conclusions and takeaways
3. Climate finance readiness index - results
The climate finance readiness index - scores and clusters
The climate finance readiness index per subregion
The MENATregion climate finance readiness index - regulation and enabling environment score
The MENAT region climate finance readiness index - volume of green finance activity
The MENAT region climate finance readiness index - awareness
Conclusions and takeaways
4. Climate finance readiness index - policy recommendations
About proposed climate finance policies
Pillar 1 : regulations & guidelines
Pillar 2 : domestic public climate finance
Pillar 3 : market incentives (supply side)
Pillar 4 : market incentives (demand side)
Pillar 5 : capacity building and awareness

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