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Research and development, innovation and industrial integration in Portugal

Auteur(s) : Brandāo Moniz António
Type : Actes de congrès/séminaire/atelier
Titre Séminaire / Colloque : Actes de la session plénière solennelle : année 2018 : Recherche-développement : innovation technologique et industrialisation
Editeur(s) : Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques
Année de Publication : 2018
Langue : EN
Collation : p.73-94 : tabl., graph., réf.

Résumé/Sommaire :

In recent years, statistical data revealed a strong dynamism in terms of Research and Development (R&D) growth, of development of innovation structures and emergence of programs, and a growth in terms of industrial integration. However, the political and financial changes from 2007 at the global level revealed as well how fragile are these outcomes in terms of sustainable development strategy, and how far dependent are from the external markets and political structures. Based on the available information and data, we will present the changes observed in recent years, and understand how the industrial integration can be achieved with clear linkages to the national innovation system and the importance of R&D policy to structure the articulation between innovation and the economic market. The challenges and potential problems can be anticipated if the social implications are also present on the policy options, and if clear technology assessment procedures are taken. When this does not occur, the probability of endogenization of innovation and R&D will become problematic. For these reasons it can be difficult to talk about a "success story" when all these elements are not considered as a whole and are only seen through very specific angles and with very specialized approaches.

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