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Chapter X : Review paper on forage production under saline conditions

Auteur(s) : Dost Muhammad
Type : Chapitre/Extrait
Titre Ouvrage collectif : Irrigated fodder crops in the Near East Region : Forage production, Conservation, and utilization for sustainable animal production
Editeur(s) : Institut national de la recherche agronomique
Année de Publication : 2018
Langue : EN
Collation : p. 123-134 : Tabl.

Résumé/Sommaire :

Soil salinity which has rendered millions of
hectares of land unsuitable for agriculture
throughout the world is a major limiting
factor to forage production in many areas.
Sufficient knowledge and expertise is
now available to allow revegetation of
saline lands with trees, shrubs, grasses
and legumes in both rain-fed and
irrigated areas. The use of halophytes
for forage, fuel, and land reclamation is
well documented; along with appropriate
agronomic techniques. Most of these
could be introduced directly or evaluated
and adapted to local farming systems.
There is still a need to develop improved
management and growing techniques to
enhance halophyte productivity since they
can play a major role in the agricultural
development of salt affected land s. On-farm research for evaluation and development of suitable plants, close cooperation , exchange of knowledge, experience and technologies would provide a stimulus for the productivity of saline affected areas.

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