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Type : Rapport
Thème : Nouvelle économie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

As a result of an ambitious policy aiming at reforming and modernizing the telecommunications sector, it took only few years to the Kingdom of Morocco to be qualified as a leader in its region. The Kingdom of Morocco has always been considered as a best practice example in terms of liberalization processes in the region.

In order to grant the liberalization process all chances to succeed, the Moroccan Government has took significant measures allowing all market actors as well as potential investors the necessary visibility. In 1997, the Kingdom of Morocco established an efficient and transparent legislative frame1 which provided the basis for the development of telecommunications networks and services and paved the way to the creation of the National Telecommunication Regulatory Agency (ANRT). ANRT is a public institution endowed with the financial autonomy and in charge of the regulation of the telecommunications sector.

This new frame was favourable to the development of the telecommunications market, mainly through the expansion of the mobile phone network. Accordingly, it increased the phone penetration rate from 6.49% in 1999 to more than 57% in 2006, and boosted the turnover generated by the sector2, taking it from 773 million Euros in 1999 to 2364 million Euros in 2006.

In order to accompany the development of the telecommunications market, to walk in step with regional and international tendencies, and to give operators added visibility, the legislative frame3 was modified and completed in November 2004 and in April 2007. This revision granted ANRT new prerogatives, including the right to ensure fair competition as stipulated by the Law pertaining to liberty of prices and competition and manage “.ma” domain name and electronic certification.

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